Suicide Prevention Toolbox
Submission Requirement Checklist:
Number One: My film is exactly 60 seconds long depending on the submission category. The title slide does not count toward the 60-second limit.
Why this matters: Many of the films (even if they are not winning films) are used to support local awareness efforts and shown in local movie theaters and even on TV. We are only able to use films that meet the 30 or 60-second requirement (based on the submission category you choose).Number Two: My film includes the required end slate. Films must include this end slate which includes a compilation image of logos and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. This end slate should appear at the end of your film and within the 60 second limit.
Note: End slate has been updated as of November 2023
- End Slate (png)
In addition, you may also include the Crisis Text Line (text “HOME” to 741741) as an additional resource in your film. Learn more about the Crisis Text Line here.
Number Three: My film includes a title slide. You may use this title slide template or you may create your own title slide as long as it includes the required information below. Download the Title Slide here or create a title slide using this template.
The title slide is not counted in the 60-second limit and needs to include:
- Film Title
- Filmmaker (s) names: (these are the youth involved in the filming, editing, or creation of the film)
- School or Organization, Club or Other Affiliation Name
- County (not country)
- Adult Advisor Name
- The Submission Category
Number Four: I have release forms on file for every participant involved in my film: Filmmaking requires discipline and dedication to the craft. Youth filmmakers and participants are honor-bound to acquire all necessary permissions and signatures and must accept the liabilities for copyright violations. This means the cast and crew, and anyone else involved in creation of your film must sign a release form, including parent/guardian signatures if they are under the age of 18. For more information visit the Release Forms page.
Number Five: My film doesn’t include any disqualifying content: Be sure you’ve reviewed the “Disqualifying Content” section of the submission category of your film to make sure your film won’t be disqualified for including any of this content. For example, if you’re submitting in the Suicide Prevention category, your film should not include portrayals of suicide deaths, attempts, or actions leading up to an attempt (such as a person holding a gun to their head or standing at the side of a ledge). Any films that show this or show any weapons will be disqualified.
* A reminder! – All film submissions should align with safe messaging guidelines and there are specific safe messaging scoring measures for each category which we encourage you to review.
Suicide Prevention Resources to Assist You with Content
For background information review these fact sheets and short educational films developed by the Directing Change Team in collaboration with NAMI California.
- Suicide Prevention Fact Sheet
- Safe Messaging for Suicide Prevention Fact Sheet
- Suicide Prevention 101 Video
- How to Help a Friend Video
- Know the Signs campaign website
For additional questions regarding the “Suicide Prevention” category, please contact us.
Suicide Warning Signs for Youth
Warning signs are indications that someone may be in danger of suicide, either immediately or in the near future. Most people show one or more warning signs, so it is important to know the signs and take them seriously especially if a behavior is new or has increased and if it seems related to a painful event, loss, or change. (
- Talking about or making plans for suicide.
- Expressing hopelessness about the future.
- Displaying severe/overwhelming emotional pain or distress.
- Showing worrisome behavioral cues or marked changes in behavior, particularly in the presence of the warning signs above. Specifically, this includes significant:
- Withdrawal from or changing in social connections/situations
- Changes in sleep (increased or decreased)
- Anger or hostility that seems out of character or out of context
- Recent increased agitation or irritability
The following is a list of emergency warning signs that require immediate action!:
- Threatening self-harm or suicide
- Person is in act of self-harm or suicide
- Person has a weapon or other lethal means
- Seeking weapons or means to self-harm
- Talking about death or suicide while acting agitated or anxious, or while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
These warning signs may not signal an emergency situation, but are signs that a person may be in need of help:
- Withdrawing from friends and family
- Hopelessness
- Isolation, loneliness
- Low self-esteem
- Significant personality change
- Dramatic mood changes
- Unusual neglect of personal appearance
- Frequent complaints about physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomachaches, fatigue, etc.
- Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
- Increasing use of alcohol or other drugs
- Putting his or her affairs in order (for example, giving away favorite possessions, or throwing away important belongings)
- Becoming suddenly cheerful after a period of depression (this could be a sign that a person has made a suicide plan)
The Directing Change team is able to provide suicide prevention resources and programs for your school/campus and trainings to help districts meet the requirements of AB 2246. Please contact us.
Mental Health Toolbox
Submission Requirement Checklist:
Number One: My film is exactly 60 seconds long. The title slide does not count toward the 60-second limit.
Why this matters: Many of the films (even if they are not winning films) are used to support local awareness efforts and shown in local movie theaters and even on TV. We are only able to use films that meet the 30 or 60-second requirement (based on the submission category you choose).Number Two: My film includes the required end slate.
Films must include this end slate which includes a compilation image of logos and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. This end slate should appear at the end of your film and within the 60 second limit.
Note: End slate has been updated as of November 2023
- End Slate (png)
Number Three: My film includes a title slide. You may use this title slide template, or you may create your own title slide as long as it includes the required information below. Download the Title Slide here or create a title slide using this template.
The title slide is not counted in the 60-second limit and needs to include:
- Film Title
- Filmmaker(s) names: (these are the youth involved in the filming, editing, or creation of the film)
- School or Organization, Club or Other Affiliation Name
- County (not country)
- Adult Advisor Name
- The Submission Category (please note this category has been renamed to “Mental Health”!)
Number Four: I have release forms on file for every participant involved in my film: Filmmaking requires discipline and dedication to the craft. Youth filmmakers and participants are honor-bound to acquire all necessary permissions and signatures and must accept the liabilities for copyright violations. This means the cast and crew, and anyone else involved in creation of your film must sign a release form, including parent/guardian signatures if they are under the age of 18. Visit the Release Form Page for more information.
Number Five: My film doesn’t include any disqualifying contest: Be sure you’ve reviewed the “Disqualifying Content” section of the submission category of your film to make sure your film won’t be disqualified for including any of this content. For example, if you’re submitting in the Mental Health Matters category, your film should not include derogatory terms like “crazy” and “psycho” without explicitly communicating to the audience that these terms are unacceptable. Any films that show this or show any weapons will be disqualified.
*A reminder! – All film submissions should align with safe messaging guidelines and there are specific safe messaging scoring measures for each category which we encourage you to review.
Please review your film against the Official Mental Health Category Judging Form here!
Mental Health Resources to Assist You with Content
For background information review these short educational films developed by NAMI California and Directing Change.
Additional Resources
- Take Action for Mental Health: To learn how to get support for your mental health and help others, visit You can also share the website as a resource in your film.
- Mental Health Fact Sheet: This document includes statistics and facts about mental health and an explanation of stigma and what you can do to help end the silence of mental illness. Download PDF
- How to Help a Friend or Family Member: This document provides tips on how to respond if a friend or family member tells you that he or she has a mental disorder. It includes tips on how to help and support a friend or family member’s healthy behaviors. Download PDF
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and Active Minds: Contact your local NAMI affiliate or Active Minds chapter and request an “In Your Own Voice” presentation at your class, school or organization from people who are experiencing a mental illness.
- Find a local affiliate:
- Find an Active Minds chapter here.
- List of mental illnesses and symptoms: This document includes a list and overview of mental illnesses and symptoms, as well as treatment and support available for each. It also allows you to connect with others on the NAMI discussion groups which can be a great way to manage recovery, find support and learn more about mental health conditions.
- Resources for Young Adults: Whether you’re starting college or figuring out life as an adult, your late teens and early twenties can be a seriously stressful time. It is also common for the first signs of mental health problems to show up at this age. This site encourages young adults to be aware of symptoms and seek help if you’re unsure.
- Mental Health Is Health: Mental health issues are a reality for millions of people across the country. Young people are especially at risk, with half of college students reporting that they have been stressed to a point where they couldn’t function during the past year. This website encourages young people to help ourselves and others by fighting the stigma around mental health and speaking up when we need support. Learn more about how you can join the campaign here.
- Text Talk Act: This website encourages young people across the country to have a national conversation on mental health and learn how to help a friend in need. Through text messaging, small groups receive discussion questions to lead them through a conversation about mental health. Join the nationwide conversation to help end the silence and learn more.
Through the Lens of Culture Toolbox
IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember that films submitted in this category still need to comply with the safe messaging scoring criteria of the mental health or suicide prevention categories. The following requirements for the “Through the Lens of Culture” category are in addition to those of the Mental Health or Suicide Prevention category.
For example, the Suicide Prevention category asks filmmakers to communicate a message about what someone can do to prevent suicide such as recognizing the warning signs, finding the words to express concern, and connecting the person to help. For the Through the Lens of Culture category, think about how the warning signs and risk factors might differ for members of different cultural groups.
Review the Official Judging Form for the Through the Lens of Culture category to ensure your film receives the most points possible.
Submission Requirement Checklist:
The following requirements are in addition to the submission requirements for the Mental Health and/or Suicide Prevention categories.
Number One: My film has captioning (even if the film is in English).
- The film is in English and includes captioning in English.
- The film is in a language other than English and includes captioning in English.
For more information about closed captioning click here.
Number Two: My film is exactly 60 seconds long. The title slide does not count toward the 60-second limit.
Why this matters: Many of the films (even if they are not winning films) are used to support local awareness efforts and shown in local movie theaters and even on TV. We are only able to use films that meet the 30 or 60-second requirement (based on the submission category you choose).Number Three: My film includes the required logos and resources end slate.
Films must include this end slate which includes a compilation image of logos and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. This end slate should appear at the end of your film and within the 60-second limit.
Note: End slate has been updated as of November 2023
- End Slate (png)
Number Four: My film is sensitive to cultural diversities with all individuals realistically and respectfully depicted.
Number Five: My film includes a title slide. You may use this title slide template or you may create your own title slide as long as it includes the required information below. Download the Title Slide here or create a title slide using this template.
The title slide is not counted in the 60-second limit and needs to include:
- The Film Title
- The Submission Category
- Adult Advisor Name
- School or Organization, Club or Other Affiliation Name
- County (not country)
- Student/Youth Name (s)
Resources to Assist You with the Content for Your Through the Lens of Culture Film
The following is a small list of resources that are available to assist you with making a film. This is not a conclusive list and if you can’t find the resources you need in the language or for the cultural group you are working with in your film, please contact us. We are partnering with a wide range of community-based organizations and through their network can hopefully connect you to the resources or information you are looking for.
General Cultural Resources
- The California MHSA Multicultural Coalition administered by REMHDCO is a Directing Change partner. Some of their members have joined the Directing Change Through the Lens of Culture Advisory Group and are providing support to the contest. In addition, they have published a series of “State of the State” Reports on different communities including Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Russian-speaking, Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian Communities, as well as Refugee, and Asylees.
- All reports can be accessed here:
- California Reducing Disparities Reports – Organizations in California created a statewide policy initiative to identify solutions for historically unserved, underserved, and inappropriately served communities. In 2009, they launched a statewide Prevention and Early Intervention effort, the California Reducing Disparities Project (CRDP), which focuses on five populations. These reports can be reviewed here:
- CRDP African American Strategic Planning Workgroup (SPW): Population Report
- CRDP Asian Pacific Islander Strategic Planning Workgroup (SPW): Population Report
- CRDP Latino Strategic Plan Workgroup (SPW): Population Report
- CRDP LGBTQ Strategic Planning Workgroup (SPW): Population Report
- CRDP Native American Strategic Planning Workgroup (SPW): Population Report
Mental Health Fact Sheets
- Take Action For Mental Health: This website will help you check in, learn more, and get support for your own mental health or the mental health of someone you care about. Learn more at
- Conversations with the Hmong about Mental Health Needs
- Mental Health Terms (Various Languages):
Know the Signs Suicide Prevention Brochures
These brochures are bilingual and can help you with suicide prevention terminology in different languages.
- In Chinese
- In Tagalog
- In Korean
- In Khmer
- In Lao
- In Hmong
- Hmong TV Spot: Hmong TV Ad
- In Vietnamese
- In Russian
- In Punjabi
Resources in Spanish
- SanaMente
- Reconozca Las Senales (Know the Signs-En Español): This website provides information about warning signs for suicide, how to talk to a person in crisis, and local resources.
As a Suicide Prevention Resource in Spanish, please use the Spanish version of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
- La Red Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio: 988
- Text Envía “AYUDA” al 988
Resources for Native American Communities
- Native Communities of Care brings together California’s American Indian and Alaska Native Wellness Movement to support behavioral health and wellness for mind, body, and spirit. The Native Communities of Care Toolkit is available for download here.
- Culture and Community: Suicide Prevention Resources for Native Americans highlights culturally relevant and responsive suicide prevention marketing materials developed by tribal and urban Native organizations throughout the US. Other sections describe resources that are helpful in planning, finding and creating suicide prevention programs. Download the guide here.
- Native Vision – A Focus on Improving Behavioral Health Wellness for California Native Americans
Resources for African American Communities
- Mental Health America has developed fact sheets and educational materials addressing mental health among African Americans:
- The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) also has an informative page devoted to African American mental health that includes suggestions and options for African Americans experiencing mental health challenges.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Resources
- The Trevor Project: The Trevor Project is the premier organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ teens and young adults.
- Trevor Lifeline – A crisis intervention and suicide prevention phone service available 24/7:
- 1-866-488-7386
- Trevor Support Center: A place where LGBTQ youth and their allies can find answers to frequently asked questions, and explore resources related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and more!
- GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network)
- Be True and Be You: A Basic Mental Health Guide for LGBTQ+ Youth – This brochure discusses caring for your mental health as an LGBTQ+ young adult, including information on sexual orientation, gender identity, and coming out; healthy relationships; common mental health challenges and their symptoms; when to reach out for support; and your rights as a young person seeking support.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Resources
- State of the State Fact Sheet and PowerPoint on the Mental Health Needs of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community from the California MHSA Multicultural Coalition.
- Find both resources here.
- Crisis Text for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Didi Hirsch Suicide Prevention Center)
- Those who are deaf or hard of hearing and in crisis can text “HEARME” to 839863. Available 24/7.
- The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline number for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, and for those with speech disabilities.
- For TTY Users: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 988
- Online chat
- Cultural Diversity Series: Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Persons Who Are Deaf
Disabilities and Mental Health
- Disability Rights CA: Disability Rights California works to advance dignity, equality, independence and freedom for all Californians with disabilities and use these principles to guide our advocacy work.
- Disability Rights CA Mental Health Publications:
Mental Health, Spirituality, and Faith
- Mental Health Ministries:
- Department of Health and Human Services:
- NAMI Faith Net:
Animated Short Toolbox
Submission Requirement Checklist:
Number One: My film is exactly 30 seconds long. The title slide does not count toward the 30-second limit.
Why this matters: Many of the films (even if they are not winning films) are used to support local awareness efforts and shown in local movie theaters and even on TV. We are only able to use films that meet the 30 or 60-second requirement (based on the submission category you choose).Number Two: My film includes the required end slate. Films must include this end slate which includes a compilation image of logos and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. This end slate should appear at the end of your film and within the 30 second limit.
Note: End slate has been updated as of November 2023
- End Slate (png)
In addition, you may also include the Crisis Text Line (text “HOME” to 741741) as an additional resource in your film. Learn more about the Crisis Text Line here.
Number Three: My film includes a title slide. You may use this title slide template or you may create your own title slide as long as it includes the required information below. Download the Title Slide here or create a title slide using this template.
The title slide is not counted in the 30 second limit and needs to include:
- Film Title
- Filmmaker (s) names: (these are the youth involved in the filming, editing, or creation of the film)
- School or Organization, Club or Other Affiliation Name
- County (not country)
- Adult Advisor Name
- The Submission Category
Number Four: I have release forms on file for every participant involved in my film: Filmmaking requires discipline and dedication to the craft. Youth filmmakers and participants are honor-bound to acquire all necessary permissions and signatures and must accept the liabilities for copyright violations. This means the cast and crew, and anyone else involved in creation of your film must sign a release form, including parent/guardian signatures if they are under the age of 18. For more information visit the Release Forms page.
Number Five: My film doesn’t include any disqualifying content: Be sure you’ve reviewed the “Disqualifying Content” section of the submission category of your film to make sure your film won’t be disqualified for including any of this content. For example, if you’re submitting in the Suicide Prevention category, your film should not include portrayals of suicide deaths, attempts, or steps leading up to an attempt (such as a person holding a gun to their head or standing at the side of a ledge). Any films that show this or show any weapons will be disqualified.
*A reminder! – All film submissions should align with safe messaging guidelines and there are specific safe messaging scoring measures for each category which we encourage you to review.
Can I use AI?
The use of AI to create any part of your film (including but not limited to: script, background, editing, etc) is not allowed. AI models are based on millions of images, including artists’ work, therefor this is not considered to be original work. As artists, storytellers and filmmakers we ask that you act with honesty, integrity and respect as you create your films for this contest.
Suicide Prevention Resources to Assist You with Content
For background information review these fact sheets and short educational films developed by the Directing Change Team in collaboration with NAMI California.
- Suicide Prevention Fact Sheet
- Safe Messaging for Suicide Prevention Fact Sheet
- Suicide Prevention 101 Video
- How to Help a Friend Video
- Know the Signs campaign website
For additional questions regarding the “Suicide Prevention” category, please contact us.
Suicide Warning Signs for Youth
Warning signs are indications that someone may be in danger of suicide, either immediately or in the near future. Most people show one or more warning signs, so it is important to know the signs and take them seriously especially if a behavior is new or has increased and if it seems related to a painful event, loss, or change. ( Talking about or making plans for suicide.
- Expressing hopelessness about the future.
- Displaying severe/overwhelming emotional pain or distress.
- Showing worrisome behavioral cues or marked changes in behavior, particularly in the presence of the warning signs above. Specifically, this includes significant:
- Withdrawal from or changing in social connections/situations
- Changes in sleep (increased or decreased)
- Anger or hostility that seems out of character or out of context
- Recent increased agitation or irritability
The following is a list of emergency warning signs that require immediate action!:
- Threatening self-harm or suicide
- Person is in act of self-harm or suicide
- Person has a weapon or other lethal means
- Seeking weapons or means to self-harm
- Talking about death or suicide while acting agitated or anxious, or while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
These warning signs may not signal an emergency situation, but are signs that a person may be in need of help:
- Withdrawing from friends and family
- Hopelessness
- Isolation, loneliness
- Low self-esteem
- Significant personality change
- Dramatic mood changes
- Unusual neglect of personal appearance
- Frequent complaints about physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomachaches, fatigue, etc.
- Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
- Increasing use of alcohol or other drugs
- Putting his or her affairs in order (for example, giving away favorite possessions, or throwing away important belongings)
- Becoming suddenly cheerful after a period of depression (this could be a sign that a person has made a suicide plan)
The Directing Change team is able to provide suicide prevention resources and programs for your school/campus and trainings to help districts meet the requirements of AB 2246. Please contact us.