Directing Change

2024 Judging - Mental Health

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Dear Judge,

We encourage you to seek personal support if you become troubled by the content of this category. If you experience an emotional crisis, there are people available to help you by calling or texting 988 for the 24/7 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

The entry you are judging is a 60-second film in the Mental Health category. Mental health is a complex and sensitive subject that needs to be addressed with compassion and knowledge. This category has special content that must be included and specific content that must be avoided for the safety of and respect for the audience.

At any point if you are experiencing technical difficulties with the website, or have questions regarding the category description, please email

In advance, we appreciate your time.


Silencing Self Doubt



A note from the youth artist about their submission

A mental health short film


Safe Messaging Scoring Measures

1. Does the film tell a story that encourages young people to reach out for support when they need it and/or shows them how to support others?

The film should have a positive message of support, acceptance, hope, and/or recovery related to mental health challenges. We are looking for stories about getting help, or how to support a friend or family member that is going through tough times. This may include interactions in online communities (i.e. Facebook, texts).

Here are a few examples:
  • Talk openly: The film can emphasize that it is acceptable to talk about mental health challenges, and to support friends and loved ones with such challenges.
  • Stand up for others: The film can demonstrate the importance of young people standing up for themselves or those living with a mental health challenge who are being harassed, bullied, and excluded or in some other way discriminated against. This may also include interactions in online communities (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, texting).
  • Be Supportive: Show ways in which friend or family members can support someone experiencing a mental health challenge.
  • Get the facts and understand the issue: The film could illustrate that a diagnosis of mental illness does not define a person and/or debunk the negative misconceptions about mental illness.
  • Don’t wait to get help: The film can let people know that there is help out there for people living with a mental illness. That treatment and support work and that most people who experience a mental health challenge can recover especially if treated early.
Note: The message does not have to be one of the messages above, as long as the message encourages positive change, support or help-seeking. It does not have to be stated verbatim but could be implied through dialog or another creative way.
Please enter a number from 0 to 25.

2. Does the film communicate a message that inspires the viewer to take action?

Think of it this way: Does the film offer the viewer specific suggestions of what they can do? Does the film encourage the viewer to feel, act or think differently? We would like the films to be action oriented and encourage change and support. For example, where to get help, how to offer support to someone, how to get involved or learn more information. We have asked our young filmmakers to be creative: Don’t just tell someone what to do, but show them how to do this.

Please enter a number from 0 to 15.

3. Is the film about young people (ages 12-25)?

Mark “Yes” if youth in the age group 14-24 were represented in the film.
Please keep in mind that the film does not have to solely focus on youth; however, youth need to have some kind of role or voice in the film.

4. Does the film consistently use person-first language, which refers to people who are living with mental health challenges as part of their full-life experience, not people who are defined by their mental health challenges?

(Mark “Yes” if the film uses appropriate “person-first language”)

Person first language respectfully puts the person before the illness and reinforces the idea that those who experience mental health challenges are not defined by their condition. Using person-first language helps steer clear of stigmatizing language that may lead to discriminatory ideals.

UseDo NOT Use
I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.I am bipolar
She is experiencing a mental health challenge.She is mentally ill.
People living with mental health challenges…The mentally il
He Has SchizophreniaHe is Schizophrenic
She experience symptoms of DepressionShe is depressed

Technical and Creative Measures

Please enter a number from 0 to 15.
Please enter a number from 0 to 10.
Please enter a number from 0 to 10.
Please enter a number from 0 to 5.
If you are experiencing an emotional crisis, are thinking about suicide or are concerned about a friend, call or text 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (24/7)