Contest Launch

The Directing Change Student PSA Contest launches as part of statewide suicide prevention, stigma reduction and student mental health efforts in California.  These initiatives were funded by counties through the Mental Health Services Act (Prop 63) and administered by the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA).   The program was dreamed up and developed by co-founders Jana Sczersputowski and Stan Collins and created in partnership with the team at Your Social Marketer and Civilian.  We appreciate everyone who played a role in informing the program, but want to especially thank Ann Collentine (CalMHSA), Stacey Smith and her team (Civilian), Monica Nepomuceno (California Department of Education) and the 11 leads from the regional K-12 Student Mental Health Initiative (SMHI), a program of the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association with a special shout out to Dotti Ysais and Rich Lieberman.